codefi stak hero

Codefi Staking

Institutional Staking on

Earn optimized rewards for staking Ethereum with ConsenSys, the software engineering leader
at the forefront of Ethereum blockchain development.

Product Benefits

Built for institutions

Non-custodial staking

Work with integrated external custody solutions and remain in control of your withdrawal key at all times.

Increased rewards generation

Optimize rewards on staked ETH.

Independent validator management

Your funds are never pooled with others. Each validator is attributable and traceable to a specific customer.

Top-grade infrastructure security

Leverage certified platform audits and multiple layers of gatekeepers to validate transactions and prevent unauthorized key usage.

Simple experience

Smooth onboarding, performance tracking, and reporting. See rewards, account balances, and technical statistics on one dashboard.

Verified Security

Codefi Staking has a SOC2 type 1 audit report on the Security, Availability, Processing integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy criteria, issued by an independent third-party American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) firm. Codefi Staking is underway to receive a SOC2 type 2 report by the end of 2022.
SOC 2 reports may be requested by potential customers using the contact form.

Built for institutions

Best-in-class validator operations

Robust key management

Use robust processes for key generation and distribution.

Protected key vault

Secure validator keys in an off-chain vault controlled by a smart signer gateway.

Institutional client

Codefi Staking runs on Teku, the only institutional-grade Beacon Chain client.

Reliable processes

Prevent slashable transactions with smart signer tools.

Continuous high performance

Retain 24/7 alerts, dedicated support, and customer service.

Best in class validator operations
We are the world   s foremost expert in Ethereum technology

We are the world’s foremost expert in Ethereum technology


ConsenSys is the engineering and infrastructure leader at the forefront of the enterprise blockchain ecosystem, offering unrivaled Ethereum expertise.

Work closely with the product teams running Infura’s industry-leading blockchain infrastructure, building Teku, the only institutional-grade consensus layer validator client, and creating the official deposit contract portal.

  • 100k+ developers using our managed infrastructure
  • $1B+ in tokenization projects, digital assets, and currencies
  • 10B+ transactions executed on-chain
  • 300+ blockchain and digital transformation engagements
  • 80% less custom code needed to deploy blockchain solutions
Sign up for institutional staking services
Teku is the only full institutional grade Ethereum 2 0 staking client

Teku is the only full institutional-grade Ethereum 2.0 staking client.

Teku is the consensus layer client for institutional staking, built to meet institutional standards and security requirements.

Explore Teku
How it works

Staking Made Simple

Staking Ethereum with Codefi Staking is more straightforward than ever, and is available via an API or platform interface. We’ve got a six step process.


Sign terms
and conditions


Login and
click ‘stake’


Onboard onto the
platform (1-2 days)


Specify a group for your stake, the withdrawal credential, and the desired ETH value


We craft the payload(s) and trigger the transactions in your wallet


Sign the

And you’re all set! Your validator is up and running, securing the Ethereum network, and earning rewards.

Product Resources
Knowledge Base

Learn more about the Beacon Chain, the Ethereum consensus layer

Visit our Ethereum knowledge base for educational resources. Find out how to install an enterprise-grade client, how to run your own validator, and how to get data analytics. 

Learn more about the Beacon Chain  the Ethereum consensus layer
Insight Report

The Impact of the Merge on Institutions

A review of where we are in Ethereum’s protocol development and how the Merge to Proof of Stake will impact institutions.

The Impact of the Merge on Institutions

Updates on the State of Staking

Interested in monthly updates on the Ethereum staking ecosystem?

Subscribe to the Codefi Staking newsletter for up-to-date news on the Ethereum staking ecosystem and analysis of staking provider performance.


    ConsenSys and Securosys to launch secure method for long-term Ethereum 2.0 staking

    February 2, 2021

    LiquidStake set to unlock liquidity for Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 stakers

    November 11, 2020

    ConsenSys Codefi Announces Ethereum 2.0 Staking Pilot with 6 Members

    June 16, 2020
Earn rewards on Ethereum 2.0 with Codefi Staking