Wallet Guard

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with Wallet Guard to review the Wallet Guard Snap.

The review was conducted over two person days, from July 13, 2023 to July 14, 2023, by Valentin Quelquejay. A total of 2 person-days were spent.

2 Scope

Our review focused on the commit hash 695c7874d4ac8ffe6a454e9dd5c7fc6925189374. The list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix.

This audit resulted in fixes that were implemented in Wallet Guard Snap v1.0.1 - shasum mv4xJVdaBEdavHcluuEkD5BzFdjT9CzyjtKFAWxP28s=. This audit should be considered valid for the aforementioned Snap version.

2.1 Objectives

Together with the Wallet Guard team, we identified the following priorities for our review:

  1. Correctness of the implementation, consistent with the intended functionality and without unintended edge cases.
  2. Identify vulnerabilities particular to the MetaMask Snaps SDK integration in coherence with the MetaMask Snap Threat Model describing a Snap as an extension of the MetaMask Wallet Trust Module.

3 Snap Overview

3.1 Capabilities

  • The snap stores the address of the wallet to be monitored in snap_manageState.
  • The snap interacts with the wallet guard API (https://api.walletguard.app/) via the fetch() API for:
    • Simulating transactions
    • Fetching wallet approvals
  • The Wallet Guard dapp (dashboard.walletguard.app) can communicate with the snap via MetaMask snaps RPC.
  • The snap registers a cronjob that fires every 14 days, prompting the user to revoke its dangerous approvals.
  • The snap can read every transaction, including the transaction origin, to provide transaction insights.
  • The snap can display notifications to the user asking him to revoke its dangerous approvals.

3.2 Permissions

Metamask permissions screenshot permissions

4 Findings

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

4.1 Missing Input Validation for WalletAddress Major ✓ Fixed


The client acknowledged the issue and fixed it by implementing a regex validation in PR#25 here - Snap shasum YzN/+ty8xOTEacH19iYGw1a9+MBCgL7PUkU9d/Rf51E=. Note that the fix does not validate the address checksum, which is not critical considering the application.


The snap prompts users to input the wallet address to be monitored. Users can set wallet addreses that do not adhere to the common Ethereum address format. The user input is not sanitized. This could lead to various injection vulnerabilities such as markdown or control character injections that could break other components. In particular, the address is sent to the API as a URL query parameter. A malicious attacker could try using that to mount URL injection attacks.


if (
  request.method === RpcRequestMethods.UpdateAccount &&
  'walletAddress' in request.params &&
  typeof request.params.walletAddress === 'string'
) {
  const { walletAddress } = request.params;

  if (!walletAddress) {
    throw new Error('no wallet address provided');



Sanitize the address string input by the user and reject all addresses that do not adhere to the Ethereum address format.

4.2 Server Should Not Rely on Clients’ Randomness Medium ✓ Fixed


Severity decreased: Major –> Medium: The client acknowledged the issue, and let us know that the ID is only used for analytics purposes, to be compatible with the existing API. A future release of the API will improve UID handling.


The snap code sends a request to the Wallet Guard API with a random UUID crypto.randomUUID() generated by the client. We would like to underline that the API should never trust clients’ randomness nor assume any property about it. Relying on client-generated randomness for the API could lead to many vulnerabilities, such as replay attacks or collision issues due to the inability to ensure uniqueness. The varying algorithms used by clients may be subpar or even compromised. As this id is not used anywhere else in the snap code, we assume that it might be used on the API side. Because the API is not in scope for this review, we don’t have access to the code and cannot tell whether this pseudo-random UUID is used in a safe way.


const simulateRequest: SimulateRequestParams = {
  id: crypto.randomUUID(),
  chainID: mappedChainId,
  signer: transaction.from as string,
  origin: transactionOrigin as string,
  method: transaction.method as string,
  source: 'SNAP',


Don’t rely on clients’ randomness on the API. Instead, the server should assign a unique ID to every incoming request.

4.3 Properties of the transaction Object Might Be Undefined Medium


The Metamask Snaps API does not guarantee that the properties from and method of the transaction object are defined. Depending on the transaction type, it could happen that these properties are not defined. This would result in a runtime error when undefined is casted to string.


const simulateRequest: SimulateRequestParams = {
  id: crypto.randomUUID(),
  chainID: mappedChainId,
  signer: transaction.from as string,
  origin: transactionOrigin as string,
  method: transaction.method as string,
  source: 'SNAP',


One should check whether properties from, and method are defined, before explicitly casting them to a string. This could be done by introducing a hasProperty utility function for instance.

4.4 AssetChangeComponent Displays a Change With Value 0 if fiatValue < 0.005 Medium


The toFixed(2) method rounds the transaction value string to 2 decimals. For transactions with fiatValue < 0.005, the function returns 0, meaning the component will display a transaction with zero value to the user, even if the transaction has a small yet non-zero value. This is not a good idea as it might trick the user. In that case, it would be better to default to the smallest value that can represented (i.e. 0.01) instead of 0.


const fiatValue = Number(stateChange.fiatValue).toFixed(2);


If fiatValue < 0.005, consider displaying a value of 0.01 to the user, instead of 0.

4.5 Incomplete NatSpec and General Documentation Minor


The code is missing NatSpec documentation in many places. NatSpec documentation plays an important role in improving code comprehension and maintenance. Adding NatSpec documentation to functions with significant logic that provides clear explanations of behavior, inputs, and outputs enhances code readability, transparency, and maintainability of the codebase.


We recommend adding NatSpec documentation to every function that contains significant logic. Especially all the Snaps handlers. This will improve the readability, transparency, and maintainability of the codebase. We also recommend adding a detailed high-level documentation about the Snaps features, components, and permissions in the README.

4.6 formatFiatValue() Can Be Simplified Minor


The function formatFiatValue formats a number to a string that is displayed to the user. The function formats numbers with at most 2 decimal digits, removes the trailing zeros, and adds commas as thousands separators.

The function first converts the number to a string representing the number in fixed-point notation. Then, it uses regex to remove the trailing zeros if they exist. Finally, it adds the thousands separators.


export const formatFiatValue = (
  fiatValue: string,
  maxDecimals: number,
): string => {
  const fiatWithRoundedDecimals = Number(fiatValue)
    .toFixed(maxDecimals) // round to maxDecimals
    .replace(/\.00$/u, ''); // removes 00 if it exists

  const fiatWithCommas = numberWithCommas(fiatWithRoundedDecimals); // add commas
  return `$${fiatWithCommas}`;

The design of the function is unnecessarily complex. The whole design could be simplified using the native toLocaleString() function with appropriate parameters.


Simplify the design by using the native toLocaleString function. For instance, the function could be used as follows toLocaleString('en-US',{minimumFractionDigits: 0, maximumFractionDigits: 2})

4.7 No Way to Disable Approvals Checking, and Transaction Analytics Minor


Currently, there is no easy way to disable wallet approval monitoring and/or transaction simulation apart from uninstalling the snap. Users might want to opt out of wallet monitoring or disable transaction simulation selectively e.g., for privacy concerns.


We would recommend implementing a mechanism that allows users to selectively disable the snap features.

4.8 devDependencies Erroneously Listed as dependencies Minor


The following dependencies are only used for development purpose and should therefore be listed as “devDependencies” instead of “dependencies” in the package.json file. Indeed, the TypeScript code is compiled into a bundle, which is released. Meaning the snap “production” code should not contain any external dependency.


"dependencies": {
  "@metamask/snaps-types": "^0.32.2",
  "@metamask/snaps-ui": "^0.32.2"


List the dependencies as “devDependencies”.

4.9 package.json - Missing Author Minor


The package.json file is missing the author name, the link to the project homepage, and to the bug tracker.


According to package publishing best practices, we recommend adding those elements to the package.json file.

4.10 Extra ‘If’ Statement


The onRpcRequest() handler returns early if walletAddress is not defined.


if (!walletAddress) {
  throw new Error('no wallet address provided');

Thus, the extra ‘if’ check before calling snap.request() is superfluous and can be removed.


if (!walletAddress) {
  throw new Error('no wallet address provided');


if (walletAddress) {
  await snap.request({


Remove the extra ‘if’ check.

4.11 Misleading Comment


The NatSpec comment indicates that onRpcRequest() returns “the result of snap_dialog” while the method either does not return anything, or returns the Ethereum address of the monitored wallet.


 * Handle incoming JSON-RPC requests, sent through `wallet_invokeSnap`.
 * @param args - The request handler args as object.
 * @param args.origin - The origin of the request, e.g., the website that
 * invoked the snap.
 * @param args.request - A validated JSON-RPC request object.
 * @returns The result of `snap_dialog`.
 * @throws If the request method is not valid for this snap.


Fix the comment.

4.12 Wallet Monitoring Improvements


The snap allows the user to set an arbitrary wallet address to be monitored for dangerous approvals. This feature is only of limited use and could be improved by:

  • Allowing to specify multiple addresses to monitor (a wallet typically consists of many accounts that are managed under the wallet key)
  • Allowing users to fetch connected addresses via the ethereum API directly instead of requiring the user to input valid accounts
  • For privacy reasons, allowing users to opt out of transaction analytics on a per-account basis (Currently, every transaction and transaction origin is sent to the API, even if no monitored wallet address is set).

4.13 Consider Submitting Snap Version With Backend API Requests


Consider adding the snap package version to the API requests in order to get insights about what snap versions are used in the field. This could be useful for future debugging and forensics when multiple snap versions will coexist.


const simulateRequest: SimulateRequestParams = {
  id: crypto.randomUUID(),
  chainID: mappedChainId,
  signer: transaction.from as string,
  origin: transactionOrigin as string,
  method: transaction.method as string,
  source: 'SNAP',


export type SimulateRequestParams = {
  id: string;
  chainID: string;
  signer: string;
  origin: string;
  method: string;
  transaction: {
    [key: string]: Json;
  source: 'SNAP';

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

File SHA-1 hash
../packages/snap/snap.config.js 09ea1d61eb7c441435218bf5844c40b570b1fc0f
../packages/snap/src/components/OnboardingReminderComponent.ts b8d3fad340a6b805df9d10bf9891f5f3413aa6cd
../packages/snap/src/components/RiskFactorsComponent.ts b27e86fd63721a43da1e35812cbc7b7172aa8526
../packages/snap/src/components/SimulationOverviewComponent.ts 02077aab340a8a915a184376f0214c9087b9dbf8
../packages/snap/src/components/StateChangesComponent.ts 51b4ca57158edf5217c75c357365cb1db2bd3857
../packages/snap/src/components/assetChanges/AssetChangeComponent.ts 15778c73bafa117ec14e5a3b142fd1e5137a3285
../packages/snap/src/components/assetChanges/GasComponent.ts f9d0bd451d46bf24271f8804622f1c765344f48a
../packages/snap/src/components/assetChanges/NoChangesComponent.ts 81e71eaa666021c3d2b7bdf90fca0df7be10af59
../packages/snap/src/components/assetChanges/index.ts 8490fe8d8c3184bd9e7245766a0c7c9ece25cd04
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/ErrorComponent.ts 134004a5962002945b2f80ec5aa05340fc9b9b5a
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/InsufficientFundsComponent.ts 5a6ab45939ac75a2ff453acee11dfadfcd438602
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/RevertComponent.ts 5bf65f6c2b1572f592e53d1ed7339bd8f1a18826
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/TooManyRequestsComponent.ts 19c0a31091089c90ebf3f6a112d708cc22b90405
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/UnauthorizedComponent.ts ff469b19832e4eb92f21aee326a088ea343b5b30
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/UnsupportedChainComponent.ts bcbecb1fc2be669386f491f5f5ca4ee79ac71867
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/index.ts e2b2e66ee47d846a566b3981f6db3237a4fba9f3
../packages/snap/src/components/errors/mapper.ts 991c63f37ad822f62b69154a65aeeda43aaf2614
../packages/snap/src/components/index.ts c2f9362ed8d5a82ae761734af7aa326485d35d8a
../packages/snap/src/http/fetchApprovals.ts 026a4d625c48d2827f736aecddbe3b7d84daee8c
../packages/snap/src/http/fetchTransaction.ts 6e93224cf1c281ff99a23b45739fe2546e854419
../packages/snap/src/index.ts 0dc598b61a696879bb45e8d118bacb5d61a4659d
../packages/snap/src/types/approvalsApi.ts dd143f3ab7400fc5053a2de0dd4c5ccec3035bcf
../packages/snap/src/types/chains.ts c53a0eba39d2f21f1b7ad50eec94b55e122a3b5e
../packages/snap/src/types/simulateApi.ts 75dda9659e890e28f65ffa954a47b9fd06651fad
../packages/snap/src/utils/account.ts 04cd1040973b9d86343125d4a373e439b1ed88bc
../packages/snap/src/utils/config.ts d500d900e8c1980d36aa5e2a5ba9f93060faa8af
../packages/snap/src/utils/environment.ts d690ac5172e767a63f86119a746dc3c99c626319
../packages/snap/src/utils/helpers.ts 14f29385952ea65acc989cace66a68a0bbc097fd
../packages/snap/src/package.json bf4ea0f52c4653e6409b2a4051be617002761b71

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

Consensys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via Consensys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any third party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any third party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

A.2.1 Purpose of Reports

The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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A.2.3 Timeliness of Content

The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice unless indicated otherwise, by Consensys and CD.