Bridge Mutual

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with Bridge Mutual to review their system.

The review was conducted over two weeks, from March 8, 2021 to March 19, 2021 by Sergii Kravchenko and Daniel Luca. A total of 15 person-days were spent.

2 Scope

Our review focused on the commit hash 5ebe8d59eecd00bc5c10d4de0bf86eb6b5478036. Allocated time was not enough to cover the whole codebase sufficiently. In discussion with the client, we determined the priorities that we were focusing on during this audit. The main priority was given to the PolicyBook contract as the primary endpoint for the users and to the LiquidityMining module. The modules that are dealing with claims and voting were not covered in this report. In addition to that, the following list of contracts was excluded from the scope:

Individual issues and recommendations are listed below, but it’s important to note that the contract system is quite large, with complex interactions between contracts and insufficient testing. The contracts that we reviewed had a lot of issues and require significant changes. It means that there are likely vulnerabilities that our team did not find. After fixing the issues and following the recommendations, we recommend doing a re-audit of the full system.

3 Re-audit

After the initial audit, the Bridge Mutual team provided the fixes, and we did a second round of the review. The main goal was to review the changes and look deeper into the same code again. This review was conducted over two weeks from April 12, 2021 to April 23, 2021 by Sergii Kravchenko. Only 10 person-days weeks were allocated for that round. The review is based on the following commit hash: ac70fb7a88be7240c1f489aee4f5f815adb1c5f7

During the re-audit, more issues were found. Some of them were introduced by the fixes and changes in the code. The other issues were in the code before the first review. Because of the increasing complexity of the code, the scope of the second review remains the same. The main focus was on the PolicyBook contract and interactions with it. A lot of attention was also dedicated to the LiquidityMining and LiquidityMiningStaking modules.

4 Recommendations

4.1 Follow Solidity best practices


It’s good to follow industry-accepted best practices describing how to develop smart contracts.

I will add some links with very good documentation and guides on how to write code and think about dos and don’ts in the blockchain environment.


We recommend you go through the links we shared and internalize the information described on each platform.

4.2 Fully implement standards you plan to support


It is extremely important to fully implement standards before deploying the contracts to the blockchain.

Because of the native immutability of the contracts, having a full implementation of the contracts is important because other platforms need to be able to interact with your system.

This why Ethereum Improvement Proposals have an evolving process described in EIP-1, section “EIP Process”. When the proposal arrives to the Final stage, it will not be changed anymore and all smart contract systems can interact relatively safely with other contracts as long as they correctly implement the accepted standard.

However, the standards are relatively strict and might create problems if they are not implemented correctly.

Also because of the relative life-span of Ethereum, implementing all standards fully and correctly requires a fair amount of effort and knowledge.

It is important to make sure you fully understand the standards before implementing them, because of their specific details, security considerations and concerns each has.

For example, a concern that comes with EIP-1155 is the ability to re-enter an execution path because of the callback functions it defines.


Make sure to fully understand the standards before implementing them. There is some value in reading the comments from the initial pull request to see how the standard evolved, what the concerns were and what decisions were made along the way.

Completely read these standards, but not be limited to:

5 Issues

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

5.1 Anyone is able to mint NFTs by calling mintNFTsForLM Critical ✓ Fixed


Fixed. Not an issue, as the contract is meant to be used as a mock.


The contract LiquidityMiningNFT has the method mintNFTsForLM.


function mintNFTsForLM(address _liquidiyMiningAddr) external {
    uint256[] memory _ids = new uint256[](NFT_TYPES_COUNT);
    uint256[] memory _amounts = new uint256[](NFT_TYPES_COUNT);

    _ids[0] = 1;
    _amounts[0] = 5;

    _ids[1] = 2;
    _amounts[1] = 1 * LEADERBOARD_SIZE;

    _ids[2] = 3;
    _amounts[2] = 3 * LEADERBOARD_SIZE;

    _ids[3] = 4;
    _amounts[3] = 6 * LEADERBOARD_SIZE;

    _mintBatch(_liquidiyMiningAddr, _ids, _amounts, "");

However, this contract does not have any kind of special permissions to limit who is able to mint tokens.

An attacker could call LiquidityMiningNFT.mintNFTsForLM(0xhackerAddress) to mint tokens for their address and sell them on the marketplace. They are also allowed to mint as many tokens as they want by calling the method multiple times.


Add some permissions to limit only some actors to mint tokens.

5.2 Liquidity providers can create deficit of DAI tokens Critical ✓ Fixed


Fixed by keeping all the DAI inside the PolicyBook.


The current staking system is built in a way that a liquidity provider can stake DAIx tokens to the staking contract. By doing so, DAI tokens are getting withdrawn from the PolicyBook and there may be not enough funds to fulfill claims.


This issue requires major changes in the logic of the system.

5.3 Profit and loss distribution mechanism is not working Critical ✓ Fixed


Fixed by updating the totalLiquidity during claims and premium distribution.


Liquidity providers should deposit DAI and receive DAIx in return; the initial rate of DAI to DAIx is 1. If claims are happening, the price of DAIx should decrease, and the loss should be distributed proportionally across the liquidity providers. If the policy is bought, the DAIx price should increase. Currently, it seems like the getDAIToDAIxRatio will always be zero because it’s based on the totalLiquidity to the totalSupply() ratio. While the totalSupply() remains correct, the totalLiquidity is only modified when adding/removing liquidity. The totalLiquidity should represent the amount of DAI in the smart contract, which is the added liquidity + premium - claims. But the claims and premiums are not changing the totalLiquidity value.

That error may also lead to the deficit of funds during withdrawals or claims.


Properly keep track of the totalLiquidity.

5.4 A liquidity provider can withdraw all his funds anytime Critical ✓ Fixed


The funds are now locked when the withdrawal is requested, so funds cannot be transferred after the request, and this bug cannot be exploited anymore.


Since some users provide liquidity to sell the insurance policies, it is important that these providers cannot withdraw their funds when the security breach happens and the policyholders are submitting claims. The liquidity providers can only request their funds first and withdraw them later (in a week).


function requestWithdrawal(uint256 _tokensToWithdraw) external override {
  WithdrawalStatus _status = getWithdrawalStatus(msg.sender);

  require(_status == WithdrawalStatus.NONE || _status == WithdrawalStatus.EXPIRED,
    "PB: Can't request withdrawal");

  uint256 _daiTokensToWithdraw = _tokensToWithdraw.mul(getDAIToDAIxRatio()).div(PERCENTAGE_100);
  uint256 _availableDaiBalance = balanceOf(msg.sender).mul(getDAIToDAIxRatio()).div(PERCENTAGE_100);

  if (block.timestamp < liquidityMining.getEndLMTime().add(neededTimeAfterLM)) {
    _availableDaiBalance = _availableDaiBalance.sub(liquidityFromLM[msg.sender]);

  require(totalLiquidity >= totalCoverTokens.add(_daiTokensToWithdraw),
    "PB: Not enough liquidity");

  require(_availableDaiBalance >= _daiTokensToWithdraw, "PB: Wrong announced amount");

  WithdrawalInfo memory _newWithdrawalInfo;
  _newWithdrawalInfo.amount = _tokensToWithdraw;
  _newWithdrawalInfo.readyToWithdrawDate = block.timestamp.add(withdrawalPeriod);

  withdrawalsInfo[msg.sender] = _newWithdrawalInfo;
  emit RequestWithdraw(msg.sender, _tokensToWithdraw, _newWithdrawalInfo.readyToWithdrawDate);


function withdrawLiquidity() external override {
  require(getWithdrawalStatus(msg.sender) == WithdrawalStatus.READY,
    "PB: Withdrawal is not ready");

  uint256 _tokensToWithdraw = withdrawalsInfo[msg.sender].amount;
  uint256 _daiTokensToWithdraw = _tokensToWithdraw.mul(getDAIToDAIxRatio()).div(PERCENTAGE_100);

  if (withdrawalQueue.length != 0 || totalLiquidity.sub(_daiTokensToWithdraw) < totalCoverTokens) {
  } else {
    _withdrawLiquidity(msg.sender, _tokensToWithdraw);

There is a restriction in requestWithdrawal that requires the liquidity provider to have enough funds at the moment of request:


require(totalLiquidity >= totalCoverTokens.add(_daiTokensToWithdraw),
  "PB: Not enough liquidity");

require(_availableDaiBalance >= _daiTokensToWithdraw, "PB: Wrong announced amount");

But after the request is created, these funds can then be transferred to another address. When the request is created, the provider should wait for 7 days, and then there will be 2 days to withdraw the requested amount:


withdrawalPeriod = 1 weeks;
withdrawalExpirePeriod = 2 days;

The attacker would have 4 addresses that will send the pool tokens to each other and request withdrawal of the full amount one by one every 2 days. So at least one of the addresses can withdraw all of the funds at any point in time. If the liquidity provider needs to withdraw funds immediately, he should transfer all funds to that address and execute the withdrawal.


One of the solutions would be to block the DAIx tokens from being transferred after the withdrawal request.

5.5 Re-entrancy issue for ERC1155 Critical ✓ Fixed


Addressed by moving isNFTDistributed = true; before the token transfers and only transferring tokens to the message sender.


ERC1155 tokens have callback functions on some of the transfers, like safeTransferFrom, safeBatchTransferFrom. During these transfers, the IERC1155ReceiverUpgradeable(to).onERC1155Received function is called in the to address.

For example, safeTransferFrom is used in the LiquidityMining contract:


function distributeAllNFT() external {
    require(block.timestamp > getEndLMTime(),
        "2 weeks after liquidity mining time has not expired");
    require(!isNFTDistributed, "NFT is already distributed");

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < leaderboard.length; i++) {
        address[] memory _groupLeaders = groupsLeaders[leaderboard[i]];

        for (uint256 j = 0; j < _groupLeaders.length; j++) {
            _sendNFT(j, _groupLeaders[j]);

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < topUsers.length; i++) {
        address _currentAddress = topUsers[i];
        LMNFT.safeTransferFrom(address(this), _currentAddress, 1, 1, "");
        emit NFTSent(_currentAddress, 1);

    isNFTDistributed = true;

During that transfer, the distributeAllNFT function can be called again and again. So multiple transfers will be done for each user.

In addition to that, any receiver of the tokens can revert the transfer. If that happens, nobody will be able to receive their tokens.


  • Add a reentrancy guard.
  • Avoid transferring tokens for different receivers in a single transaction.

5.6 The buyPolicyFor/addLiquidityFor should transfer funds from msg.sender Critical ✓ Fixed


Addressed by removing the buyPolicyFor function. And the addLiquidityFor function can only be called by the LiquidityMining contract.


When calling the buyPolicyFor/addLiquidityFor functions, are called with the parameter _policyHolderAddr/_liquidityHolderAddr who is going to be the beneficiary in buying policy/adding liquidity:


function buyPolicyFor(
  address _policyHolderAddr,
  uint256 _epochsNumber,
  uint256 _coverTokens   
) external override {
  _buyPolicyFor(_policyHolderAddr, _epochsNumber, _coverTokens);


function addLiquidityFor(address _liquidityHolderAddr, uint256 _liquidityAmount) external override {
  _addLiquidityFor(_liquidityHolderAddr, _liquidityAmount, false);

During the execution, the funds for the policy/liquidity are transferred from the _policyHolderAddr/_liquidityHolderAddr, while it’s usually expected that they should be transferred from msg.sender. Because of that, anyone can call a function on behalf of a user that gave the allowance to the PolicyBook.

For example, a user(victim) wants to add some DAI to the liquidity pool and gives allowance to the PolicyBook. After that, the user should call addLiquidity, but the attacker can front-run this transaction and buy a policy on behalf of the victim instead.

Also, there is a curious edge case that makes this issue Critical: _policyHolderAddr/_liquidityHolderAddr parameters can be equal to the address of the PolicyBook contract. That may lead to multiple different dangerous attack vectors.


Make sure that nobody can transfer funds on behalf of the users if it’s not intended.

5.7 LiquidityMining can’t accept single ERC1155 tokens Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed by properly implementing the ERC1155TokenReceiver interface.


The contract LiquidityMining is also defined as an ERC1155Receiver


contract LiquidityMining is ILiquidityMining, ERC1155Receiver, Ownable {

The finalized EIP-1155 standard states that a contract which acts as an EIP-1155 Receiver must implement all the functions in the ERC1155TokenReceiver interface to be able to accept transfers.

These are indeed implemented here:


function onERC1155Received(


function onERC1155BatchReceived(

The standard states that they will be called and they MUST return a specific byte4 value, otherwise the transfer will fail.

However one of the methods returns an incorrect value. This seems to an error generated by a copy/paste action.


function onERC1155Received(
    address operator,
    address from,
    uint256 id,
    uint256 value,
    bytes memory data
    return bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)"));

The value returned is equal to


But it should be


On top of this, the contract MUST implement the ERC-165 standard to correctly respond to supportsInterface.


Change the return value of onERC1155Received to be equal to 0xf23a6e61 which represents bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)")).

Also, make sure to implement supportsInterface to signify support of ERC1155TokenReceiver to accept transfers.

Add tests to check the functionality is correct and make sure these kinds of bugs do not exist in the future.

Make sure to read the EIP-1155 and EIP-165 standards in detail and implement them correctly.

5.8 DAI is assumed to have the same price as DAIx in the staking contract Major ✓ Fixed


Fixed by not transferring DAI anymore.


When a liquidity provider stakes tokens to the BMIDAIStaking contract, the equal amount of DAI and DAIx are transferred from the pool contract.


function _stakeDAIx(address _user, uint256 _amount, address _policyBookAddr) internal {
    require (_amount > 0, "BMIDAIStaking: Can't stake zero tokens");

    PolicyBook _policyBook = PolicyBook(_policyBookAddr);
    // transfer DAI from PolicyBook to yield generator
    daiToken.transferFrom(_policyBookAddr, address(defiYieldGenerator), _amount);            

    // transfer bmiDAIx from user to staking
    _policyBook.transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount);       

    _mintNFT(_user, _amount, _policyBook);


Only the corresponding amount of DAI should be transferred to the pool.

5.9 _updateWithdrawalQueue can run out of gas Major ✓ Fixed


The updateWithdrawalQueuefunction is now limiting the number of processed withdrawals.


When there’s not enough collateral to withdraw liquidity from a policy book, the withdrawal request is added to a queue. The queue is supposed to be processed and cleared once there are enough funds for that. The only way to do so is the _updateWithdrawalQueue function that is caller when new liquidity is added:


function _updateWithdrawalQueue() internal {
  uint256 _availableLiquidity = totalLiquidity.sub(totalCoverTokens);
  uint256 _countToRemoveFromQueue;

  for (uint256 i = 0; i < withdrawalQueue.length; i++) {     
    uint256 _tokensToWithdraw = withdrawalsInfo[withdrawalQueue[i]].amount;
    uint256 _amountInDai = _tokensToWithdraw.mul(getDAIToDAIxRatio()).div(PERCENTAGE_100);

    if (balanceOf(withdrawalQueue[i]) < _tokensToWithdraw) {

    if (_availableLiquidity >= _amountInDai) {
      _withdrawLiquidity(withdrawalQueue[i], _tokensToWithdraw);
      _availableLiquidity = _availableLiquidity.sub(_amountInDai);
    } else {


The problem is that this function can only process all queue until the pool run out of available funds or the whole queue is going to be processed. If the queue is big enough, this process can be stuck.


Pass the parameter to the _updateWithdrawalQueue that defines how many requests to process in the queue per one call.

5.10 The PolicyBook should make DAI transfers inside the contract Medium ✓ Fixed


The PolicyBook contract does not give the DAI allowance to anyone and token transfers are now done from the PolicyBook contract.


The PolicyBook contract gives full allowance over DAI tokens to the other contracts:


function approveAllDaiTokensForStakingAndVotingAndTransferOwnership() internal {
  daiToken.approve(address(bmiDaiStaking), MAX_INT);   
  daiToken.approve(address(claimVoting), MAX_INT);    


That behavior is dangerous because it’s hard to keep track of and control the contract’s DAI balance. And it’s also hard to track in the code where the balance of the PolicyBook can be changed from.


It’s better to perform all the transfers inside the PolicyBook contract. So if the bmiDaiStaking and the claimVoting contracts need DAI tokens from the PolicyBook, they should call some function of the PolicyBook to perform transfers.

5.11 Premium is payed instantly to the liquidity providers Medium ✓ Fixed


The premium is now distributed on a daily basis.


When the policy is bought, the premium is transferred to the PolicyBook instantly. Currently, these funds are not going to the liquidity providers as a reward due to the issue 5.3. But when the issue is fixed, it seems like the premium is paid and distributed as a reward instantly when the policy is purchased.

The problem is that if someone buys the policy for a long period of time, every liquidity provider instantly gets the premium from the full period. If there’s enough liquidity, any provider can withdraw the funds after that without taking a risk for this period.


Distribute the premium over time. For example, increase the reward after each epoch.

5.12 The totalCoverTokens is only updated when the policy is bought Medium ✓ Fixed


The updateEpochsInfo function is now public and can be called by anyone.


The totalCoverTokens value represents the amount of collateral that needs to be locked in the policy book. It should be changed either by buying a new policy or when an old policy expires. The problem is that when the old policy expires, this value is not updated; it is only updated when someone buys a policy by calling the _updateEpochsInfo function:


function _updateEpochsInfo() internal {
  uint256 _totalEpochTime = block.timestamp.sub(epochStartTime);
  uint256 _countOfPassedEpoch = _totalEpochTime.div(epochDuration);

  uint256 _lastEpochUpdate = currentEpochNumber;
  currentEpochNumber = _countOfPassedEpoch.add(1);

  for (uint256 i = _lastEpochUpdate; i < currentEpochNumber; i++) {
    totalCoverTokens = totalCoverTokens.sub(epochAmounts[i]);
    delete epochAmounts[i];

Users waiting to withdraw liquidity should wait for someone to buy the policy to update the totalCoverTokens.


Make sure it’s possible to call the _updateEpochsInfo function without buying a new policy.

5.13 Unbounded loops in LiquidityMining Medium ✓ Fixed


Fixed by adding the limits.


There are some methods that have unbounded loops and will fail when enough items exist in the arrays.


for (uint256 i = 0; i < _teamsNumber; i++) {


for (uint256 i = 0; i < _membersNumber; i++) {


for (uint256 i = 0; i < _usersNumber; i++) {

These methods will fail when lots of items will be added to them.


Consider adding limits (from, to) when requesting the items.

5.14 The _removeFromQueue is very gas greedy Medium ✓ Fixed


The queue structure has changed significantly and became more optimized. On the other hand, the new structure has some overhead and can be simplified to optimize more gas.


The _removeFromQueue function is supposed to remove _countToRemove elements from the queue:


function _removeFromQueue(uint256 _countToRemove) internal {
  for (uint256 i = 0; i < _countToRemove; i++) {
    delete withdrawalsInfo[withdrawalQueue[i]];

  if (_countToRemove == withdrawalQueue.length) {
    delete withdrawalQueue;
  } else {
    uint256 _remainingArrLength = withdrawalQueue.length.sub(_countToRemove);
    address[] memory _remainingArr = new address[](_remainingArrLength);

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _remainingArrLength; i++) {
      _remainingArr[i] = withdrawalQueue[i.add(_countToRemove)];

    withdrawalQueue = _remainingArr;

This function uses too much gas, which makes it easier to make attacks on the system. Even if only one request is removed and executed, this function rewrites all the requests to the storage.


The data structure should be changed so this function shouldn’t rewrite the requests that did not change. For example, it can be a mapping (unit => address) with 2 indexes (start, end) that are only increasing.

5.15 Withdrawal with zero amount is possible Medium ✓ Fixed


The _tokensToWithdraw can now only be >0.


When creating a withdrawal request, the amount of tokens to withdraw is passed as a parameter:


function requestWithdrawal(uint256 _tokensToWithdraw) external override {

The problem is that this parameter can be zero, and the function will be successfully executed. Moreover, this request can then be added to the queue, and the actual withdrawal will also be executed with zero value. Addresses that never added any liquidity could spam the system with these requests.


Do not allow withdrawals of zero tokens.

5.16 The withdrawal queue is only updated when the liquidity is added Medium ✓ Fixed


The queue is now updated via the external function updateWithdrawalQueue but can only be called separately.


Sometimes when the amount of liquidity is not much higher than the number of tokens locked for the collateral, it’s impossible to withdraw liquidity. For a user that wants to withdraw liquidity, a withdrawal request is created. If the request can’t be executed, it’s added to the withdrawal queue, and the user needs to wait until there’s enough collateral for withdrawal. There are potentially 2 ways to achieve that: either someone adds more liquidity or some existing policies expire.

Currently, the queue can only be cleared when the internal _updateWithdrawalQueue function is called. And it is only called in one place while adding liquidity:


function _addLiquidityFor(address _liquidityHolderAddr, uint256 _liquidityAmount, bool _isLM) internal {
  daiToken.transferFrom(_liquidityHolderAddr, address(this), _liquidityAmount);   
  uint256 _amountToMint = _liquidityAmount.mul(PERCENTAGE_100).div(getDAIToDAIxRatio());
  totalLiquidity = totalLiquidity.add(_liquidityAmount);
  _mintERC20(_liquidityHolderAddr, _amountToMint);

  if (_isLM) {
    liquidityFromLM[_liquidityHolderAddr] = liquidityFromLM[_liquidityHolderAddr].add(_liquidityAmount);


  emit AddLiquidity(_liquidityHolderAddr, _liquidityAmount, totalLiquidity);


It would be better if the queue could be processed when some policies expire without adding new liquidity. For example, there may be an external function that allows users to process the queue.

5.17 Optimize gas usage when checking max length of arrays Minor ✓ Fixed


There are a few cases where some arrays have to be limited to a number of items.

And the max size is enforced by removing the last item if the array reached max size + 1.


if (leaderboard.length == MAX_LEADERBOARD_SIZE.add(1)) {


if (topUsers.length == MAX_TOP_USERS_SIZE.add(1)) {


if (_addresses.length == MAX_GROUP_LEADERS_SIZE.add(1)) {

A simpler and cheaper way to check if an item should be removed is to change the condition to

if (limitedSizedArray.length > MAX_DEFINED_SIZE_FOR_ARRAY) {

This check does not need or do a SafeMath call (which is more expensive), and because of the limited number of items, as well as a practical impossibility to add enough items to overflow the limit, makes it a preferred way to check the maximum limit.


Rewrite the checks and remove SafeMath operations, as well as the addition by 1 and change the check to a “greater than” verification.

5.18 Methods return values that are never used Minor ✓ Fixed


When a user calls investDAI these 3 methods are called internally:



Each method returns a boolean, but the value is never used. It is also unclear what the value should represent.


Remove the returned variable or use it in method investDAI.

5.19 Save some gas when looping over state arrays Minor ✓ Fixed


Fixed by caching array state length in a local variable.


There are a few loops over state arrays in LiquidutyMining.


for (uint256 i = 0; i < leaderboard.length; i++) {


for (uint256 i = 0; i < topUsers.length; i++) {

Consider caching the length in a local variable to reduce gas costs.


Similar to


uint256 _usersNumber = allUsers.length;


for (uint256 i = 0; i < _usersNumber; i++) {


Reduce gas cost by caching array state length in a local variable.

5.20 Optimize gas costs when handling liquidity start and end times Minor


When the LiquidityMining contract is deployed, startLiquidityMiningTime saves the current block timestamp.


startLiquidityMiningTime = block.timestamp;       

This value is never changed.

There also exists an end limit calculated by getEndLMTime.


function getEndLMTime() public view override returns (uint256) {
    return startLiquidityMiningTime.add(2 weeks);

This value is also fixed, once the start was defined.

None of the values change after the contract was deployed. This is why you can use the immutable feature provided by Solidity.

It will reduce costs significantly.


contract A {
    uint public immutable start;
    uint public immutable end;
    constructor() {
        start = block.timestamp;
        end = block.timestamp + 2 weeks;

This contract defines 2 variables: start and end and their value is fixed on deploy and cannot be changed.

It does not need to use SafeMath because there’s no risk of overflowing.

Setting public on both variables creates getters, and calling A.start() and A.end() returns the respective values.

Having set as immutable does not request EVM storage and makes them very cheap to access.


Use Solidity’s immutable feature to reduce gas costs and rename variables for consistency.

Use the example for inspiration.

5.21 Computing the quote should be done for a positive amount of tokens Minor ✓ Fixed


When a policy is bought, a quote is requested from the PolicyQuote contract.


function _buyPolicyFor(
  address _policyHolderAddr,
  uint256 _epochsNumber,
  uint256 _coverTokens
) internal {


uint256 _totalPrice = policyQuote.getQuote(_totalSeconds, _coverTokens, address(this));

The getQuote call is then forwarded to an internal function


function getQuote(uint256 _durationSeconds, uint256 _tokens, address _policyBookAddr)
  external view override returns (uint256 _daiTokens)
  _daiTokens = _getQuote(_durationSeconds, _tokens, _policyBookAddr);


function _getQuote(uint256 _durationSeconds, uint256 _tokens, address _policyBookAddr)
  internal view returns (uint256)

There are some basic checks that make sure the total covered tokens with the requested quote do not exceed the total liquidity. On top of that check, it makes sure the total liquidity is positive.


require(_totalCoverTokens.add(_tokens) <= _totalLiquidity, "PolicyBook: Requiring more than there exists");
require(_totalLiquidity > 0, "PolicyBook: The pool is empty");

But there is no check for the number of quoted tokens. It should also be positive.


Add an additional check for the number of quoted tokens to be positive. The check could fail or return 0, depending on your use case.

If you add a check for the number of quoted tokens to be positive, the check for _totalLiquidity to be positive becomes obsolete and can be removed.

6 Re-audit issues

This section lists the issues found in the re-audit phase. The audit team, reviewed the code fixes after the initial report was delivered.

6.1 Anyone can win all the funds from the LiquidityMining without investing any DAI Critical


When a user decides to investDAI in the LiquidityMining contract, the policy book address is passed as a parameter:


function investDAI(uint256 _tokensAmount, address _policyBookAddr) external override {

But this parameter is never checked and only used at the end of the function:


IPolicyBook(_policyBookAddr).addLiquidityFromLM(msg.sender, _tokensAmount);

The attacker can pass the address of a simple multisig that will process this transaction successfully without doing anything. And pretend to invest a lot of DAI without actually doing that to win all the rewards in the LiquidityMining contract.


Check that the pool address is valid.

6.2 Liquidity withdrawal can be blocked Major


The main problem in that issue is that the liquidity provider may face many potential issues when withdrawing the liquidity. Under some circumstances, a normal user will never be able to withdraw the liquidity. This issue consists of multiple factors that are interconnected and share the same solution.

  • There are no partial withdrawals when in the queue. When the withdrawal request is added to the queue, it can only be processed fully:


    address _currentAddr = withdrawalQueue.head();
    uint256 _tokensToWithdraw = withdrawalsInfo[_currentAddr].withdrawalAmount;
    uint256 _amountInDAI = convertDAIXtoDAI(_tokensToWithdraw);
    if (_availableLiquidity < _amountInDAI) {

    But when the request is not in the queue, it can still be processed partially, and the rest of the locked tokens will wait in the queue.


    } else if (_availableLiquidity < convertDAIXtoDAI(_tokensToWithdraw)) {
      uint256 _availableDAIxTokens = convertDAIToDAIx(_availableLiquidity);
      uint256 _currentWithdrawalAmount = _tokensToWithdraw.sub(_availableDAIxTokens);
      withdrawalsInfo[_msgSender()].withdrawalAmount = _currentWithdrawalAmount;
      aggregatedQueueAmount = aggregatedQueueAmount.add(_currentWithdrawalAmount);
      _withdrawLiquidity(_msgSender(), _availableDAIxTokens);
    } else {

    If there’s a huge request in the queue, it can become a bottleneck that does not allow others to withdraw even if there is enough free liquidity.

  • Withdrawals can be blocked forever by the bots.

    The withdrawal can only be requested if there are enough free funds in the contract. But once these funds appear, the bots can instantly buy a policy, and for the normal users, it will be impossible to request the withdrawal. Even when a withdrawal is requested and then in the queue, the same problem appears at that stage.

  • The policy can be bought even if there are pending withdrawals in the queue.


One of the solutions would be to implement the following changes, but the team should thoroughly consider them:

  • Allow people to request the withdrawal even if there is not enough liquidity at the moment.
  • Do not allow people to buy policies if there are pending withdrawals in the queue and cannot be executed.
  • (Optional) Even when the queue is empty, do not allow people to buy policies if there is not enough liquidity for the pending requests (that are not yet in the queue).
  • (Optional if the points above are implemented) Allow partial executions of the withdrawals in the queue.

6.3 The totalCoverTokens can be decreased before the claim is committed Major


The totalCoverTokens is decreased right after the policy duration ends (_endEpochNumber). When that happens, the liquidity providers can withdraw their funds:


policyHolders[_msgSender()] = PolicyHolder(_coverTokens, currentEpochNumber,
  _endEpochNumber, _totalPrice, _reinsurancePrice);

epochAmounts[_endEpochNumber] = epochAmounts[_endEpochNumber].add(_coverTokens);


uint256 _countOfPassedEpoch = block.timestamp.sub(epochStartTime).div(EPOCH_DURATION);

newTotalCoverTokens = totalCoverTokens;
lastEpochUpdate = currentEpochNumber;
newEpochNumber = _countOfPassedEpoch.add(1);

for (uint256 i = lastEpochUpdate; i < newEpochNumber; i++) {
  newTotalCoverTokens = newTotalCoverTokens.sub(epochAmounts[i]);     

On the other hand, the claim can be created while the policy is still “active”. And is considered active until one week after the policy expired:


function isPolicyActive(address _userAddr, address _policyBookAddr) public override view returns (bool) {
  PolicyInfo storage _currentInfo = policyInfos[_userAddr][_policyBookAddr];

  if (_currentInfo.endTime == 0) {
    return false;

  return _currentInfo.endTime.add(STILL_CLAIMABLE_FOR) > block.timestamp;

By the time when the claim is created + voted, the liquidity provider can potentially withdraw all of their funds already, and the claim will fail.


Make sure that there will always be enough funds for the claim.

6.4 The totalCoverTokens is not decreased after the claim happened Major


When the claim happens and the policy is removed, the totalCoverTokens should be decreased instantly, that’s why the scheduled reduction value is removed:


PolicyHolder storage holder = policyHolders[claimer];

epochAmounts[holder.endEpochNumber] = epochAmounts[holder.endEpochNumber].sub(holder.coverTokens);
totalLiquidity = totalLiquidity.sub(claimAmount);

daiToken.transfer(claimer, claimAmount);
delete policyHolders[claimer];

But the totalCoverTokens is not changed and will have the coverage from the removed policy forever.


Decrease the totalCoverTokens inside the commitClaim function.

6.5 The Queue remove function does not remove the item completely Major


When removing an item in a queue, the following function is used:


function remove(UniqueAddressQueue storage baseQueue, address addrToRemove) internal returns (bool) {
    if (!contains(baseQueue, addrToRemove)) {
        return false;

    if (baseQueue.HEAD == addrToRemove) {
        return removeFirst(baseQueue);

    if (baseQueue.TAIL == addrToRemove) {
        return removeLast(baseQueue);

    address prevAddr = baseQueue.queue[addrToRemove].prev;
    address nextAddr = baseQueue.queue[addrToRemove].next;
    baseQueue.queue[prevAddr].next = nextAddr;
    baseQueue.queue[nextAddr].prev = prevAddr;

    return true;

As the result, the baseQueue.queue[addrToRemove] is not deleted, so the contains function will still return True after the removal.


Remove the element from the queue completely.

6.6 Optimization issue Medium


The codebase is huge, and there are still a lot of places where these complications and gas efficiency can be improved.


  • _updateTopUsers, _updateGroupLeaders, _updateLeaderboard are having a similar mechanism of adding users to a sorted set which makes more storage operations than needed:


    uint256 _tmpIndex = _currentIndex - 1;
    uint256 _currentUserAmount = usersTeamInfo[msg.sender].stakedAmount;
    while (_currentUserAmount > usersTeamInfo[topUsers[_tmpIndex]].stakedAmount) {
        address _tmpAddr = topUsers[_tmpIndex];
        topUsers[_tmpIndex] = msg.sender;
        topUsers[_tmpIndex + 1] = _tmpAddr;
        if (_tmpIndex == 0) {

    Instead of doing 2 operations per item that is lower than the new_item, same can be done with one operation: while topUsers[_tmpIndex] is lower than the new itemtopUsers[_tmpIndex + 1] = topUsers[_tmpIndex].

  • creating the Queue library looks like overkill for the intended task. It is only used for the withdrawal queue in the PolicyBook. The structure stores and processes extra data, which is unnecessary and more expensive. A larger codebase also has a higher chance of introducing a bug (and it happened here It’s usually better to have a simpler and optimized version like described here issue 5.14.

  • There are a few for loops that are using uint8 iterators. It’s unnecessary and can be even more expensive because, under the hood, it’s additionally converted to uint256 all the time. In general, shrinking data to uint8 makes sense to optimize storage slots, but that’s not the case here.

  • The value that is calculated in a loop can be obtained simpler by just having a 1-line formula:


    function _getAvailableMonthForReward(address _userAddr) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _oneMonth = 30 days;
        uint256 _startRewardTime = getEndLMTime();
        uint256 _countOfRewardedMonth = countsOfRewardedMonth[usersTeamInfo[_userAddr].teamAddr][_userAddr];
        uint256 _numberOfMonthForReward;
        for (uint256 i = _countOfRewardedMonth; i < MAX_MONTH_TO_GET_REWARD; i++) {
            if (block.timestamp > _startRewardTime.add(_oneMonth.mul(i))) {
            } else {
        return _numberOfMonthForReward;
  • The mapping is using 2 keys, but the first key is strictly defined by the second one, so there’s no need for it:


    // Referral link => Address => count of rewarded month
    mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public countsOfRewardedMonth;
  • There are a lot of structures in the code with duplicated and unnecessary data, for example:


    struct UserTeamInfo {
        string teamName;
        address teamAddr;
        uint256 stakedAmount;
        bool isNFTDistributed;

    Here the structure is created for every team member, duplicating the team name for each member.


Optimize and simplify the code.

6.7 Proper usage of the transfer and the transferFrom functions Medium


Many ERC-20 transfers in the code are just called without checking the return values:


daiToken.transferFrom(_msgSender(), reinsurancePoolAddress, _reinsurancePrice);
daiToken.transferFrom(_msgSender(), address(this), _price);   


function _unlockTokens(uint256 _amountToUnlock) internal {
  this.transfer(_msgSender(), _amountToUnlock);
  delete withdrawalsInfo[_msgSender()];


bmiToken.transfer(msg.sender, _userReward);

Even though the tokens in these calls are not arbitrary (DAI, BMI, DAIx, stkBMIToken) and probably always return True or call revert, it’s still better to comply with the ERC-20 standard and make sure that the transfer went well.


The best solution would be better to always use the safe version of the transfers from openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol.

6.8 The price and the duration of a policy may be unpredictable Medium


When the user is buying a policy, the price is calculated based on the current liquidity/coverage ratio, and the duration is calculated based on the current timestamp. A malicious actor can front-run the buyer (e.g., buy short-term insurance with a huge coverage) and increase the policy’s price. Or the transaction can be executed much later for some reason, and the number of the totalSeconds may be larger, the coverage period can be between _epochsNumber - 1 and _epochsNumber.


Given the unpredictability of the price, it’s better to pass the hard limit for the insurance price as a parameter. Also, as an opinion, you can add a deadline for the transaction as a parameter.

6.9 The aggregatedQueueAmount value is used inconsistently Medium


The aggregatedQueueAmount variable represents the cumulative DAIx amount in the queue that is waiting for the withdrawal. When requesting the withdrawal, this value is used as the amount of DAI that needs to be withdrawn, which may be significantly different:


require(totalLiquidity >= totalCoverTokens.add(aggregatedQueueAmount).add(_daiTokensToWithdraw),
  "PB: Not enough available liquidity");

That may lead to allowing the withdrawal request even if it shouldn’t be allowed and the opposite.


Convert aggregatedQueueAmount to DAI in the _requestWithdrawal.

6.10 The claim can only be done once Medium


When the claim happens, the policy is removed afterward:


function commitClaim(address claimer, uint256 claimAmount)
  PolicyHolder storage holder = policyHolders[claimer];

  epochAmounts[holder.endEpochNumber] = epochAmounts[holder.endEpochNumber].sub(holder.coverTokens);
  totalLiquidity = totalLiquidity.sub(claimAmount);
  daiToken.transfer(claimer, claimAmount);
  delete policyHolders[claimer];

If the claim amount is much lower than the coverage, the users are incentivized not to submit it and wait until the end of the coverage period to accumulate all the claims into one.


Allow the policyholders to submit multiple claims until the coverTokens is not reached.

6.11 Users are incentivised to invest right before the getEndLMTime to join the winning team Medium


When investing, there are 3 types of rewards in the LiquidityMining contracts: for the top users, for the top teams, for the group leaders in the top teams. EVERY member from the top teams is getting a reward proportional to the provided stake. Only the final snapshot of the stakes is used to determine the leaderboard which is right after the getEndLMTime.

Everyone can join any team, and everyone’s goal is to go to the winning teams. The best way to do so is to wait right until the end of the period and join the most beneficial team.


It’s better to avoid extra incentives that create race conditions.

Appendix 1 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

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