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Deploy charts


Provisioning with Helm charts

Helm is a method of packaging a collection of objects into a chart which can then be deployed to the cluster. After you have cloned the Quorum-Kubernetes repository, change the directory to helm for the rest of this tutorial.

cd helm

Each helm chart has the following key-map values which you will need to set depending on your needs. The cluster.provider is used as a key for the various cloud features enabled. Please specify only one cloud provider, not both. At present, the charts have full support for cloud native services in both AWS and Azure. Please note that if you use GCP, IBM etc please set cluster.provider: local and set cluster.cloudNativeServices: false.

Please update the aws or azure map as shown below if you deploy to either cloud provider.

provider: local # choose from: local | aws | azure
cloudNativeServices: false # set to true to use Cloud Native Services (SecretsManager and IAM for AWS; KeyVault & Managed Identities for Azure)
reclaimPolicy: Delete # set to either Retain or Delete; note that PVCs and PVs will still exist after a 'helm delete'. Setting to Retain will keep volumes even if PVCs/PVs are deleted in kubernetes. Setting to Delete will remove volumes from EC2 EBS when PVC is deleted

privacy: false
removeKeysOnDelete: false

# the aws cli commands uses the name 'quorum-node-secrets-sa' so only change this if you altered the name
serviceAccountName: quorum-node-secrets-sa
# the region you are deploying to
region: ap-southeast-2

# the script/ uses the name 'quorum-pod-identity' so only change this if you altered the name
identityName: quorum-pod-identity
# the clientId of the user assigned managed identity created in the template
identityClientId: azure-clientId
keyvaultName: azure-keyvault
# the tenant ID of the key vault
tenantId: azure-tenantId
# the subscription ID to use - this needs to be set explicitly when using multi tenancy
subscriptionId: azure-subscriptionId

Setting the cluster.cloudNativeServices: true will:

  • Store keys in Azure KeyVault or AWS Secrets Manager
  • Make use of Azure Managed Identities or AWS IAMs for pod identity access

You can customize any of the charts in this repository to suit your requirements, and make pull requests to extend functionality.

1. Check that you can connect to the cluster with kubectl

Once you have your cluster up and running, verify kubectl is connected to your cluster with: (use the latest version)

kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.1", GitCommit:"86ec240af8cbd1b60bcc4c03c20da9b98005b92e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-12-16T11:41:01Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22", GitVersion:"v1.22.3", GitCommit:"c92036820499fedefec0f847e2054d824aea6cd1", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-10-27T18:35:25Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

2. Create the namespace

This tutorial isolates groups of resources (for example, StatefulSets and Services) within a single cluster.


The rest of this tutorial uses quorum as the namespace, but you're free to pick any name when deploying, as long as it's consistent across the infrastructure setup and charts.

Run the following in a terminal window:

kubectl create namespace quorum

3. Deploy the monitoring chart

This chart deploys Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the metrics of the cluster, nodes and state of the network.

Update the admin username and password in the monitoring values file. Configure alerts to the receiver of your choice (for example, email or Slack), then deploy the chart using:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 34.10.0 --namespace=quorum --values ./values/monitoring.yml --wait
kubectl --namespace quorum apply -f ./values/monitoring/

Metrics are collected via a ServiceMonitor that scrapes each GoQuorum pod, using given annotations which specify the port and path to use. For example:

annotations: "true" 9545 "/debug/metrics/prometheus"

For production, please configure Grafana with one of the supported native auth mechanisms.


Optionally, you can also deploy the Elastic Stack to view logs (and metrics).

helm repo add elastic
helm repo update
# if on cloud
helm install elasticsearch --version 7.17.1 elastic/elasticsearch --namespace quorum --values ./values/elasticsearch.yml
# if local - set the replicas to 1
helm install elasticsearch --version 7.17.1 elastic/elasticsearch --namespace quorum --values ./values/elasticsearch.yml --set replicas=1 --set minimumMasterNodes: 1
helm install kibana --version 7.17.1 elastic/kibana --namespace quorum --values ./values/kibana.yml
helm install filebeat --version 7.17.1 elastic/filebeat --namespace quorum --values ./values/filebeat.yml

If you install filebeat, please create a filebeat-* index pattern in kibana. All the logs from the nodes are sent to the filebeat index. If you use The Elastic stack for logs and metrics, please deploy metricbeat in a similar manner to filebeat and create an index pattern in Kibana.


To connect to Kibana or Grafana, we also need to deploy an ingress so you can access your monitoring endpoints publicly. We use nginx as our ingress here, and you are free to configure any ingress per your requirements.

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install quorum-monitoring-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--namespace quorum \
--set"monitoring-nginx" \
--set controller.ingressClassResource.controllerValue="" \
--set controller.replicaCount=1 \
--set controller.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.admissionWebhooks.patch.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy=Local

kubectl apply -f ../ingress/ingress-rules-monitoring.yml

Once complete, view the IP address listed under the Ingress section if you're using the Kubernetes Dashboard or on the command line kubectl -n quorum get services quorum-monitoring-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller.


We refer to the ingress here as external-nginx because it deals with monitoring endpoints specifically. We also deploy a second ingress called network-ingress which is for the blockchain nodes only in step 8


You can view the Grafana dashboard by going to:


You can view the Kibana dashboard (if deployed) by going to:


4. Deploy the genesis chart

The genesis chart creates the genesis file and keys for the validators.


It's important to keep the release names of the initial validator pool as per this tutorial, that is validator-n, where n is the node number. Any validators created after the initial pool can be named to anything you like.

The override values.yml looks like below:

removeGenesisOnDelete: true

provider: local # choose from: local | aws | azure
cloudNativeServices: false

# the aws cli commands uses the name 'quorum-node-secrets-sa' so only change this if you altered the name
serviceAccountName: quorum-node-secrets-sa
# the region you are deploying to
region: ap-southeast-2

# the script/ uses the name 'quorum-pod-identity' so only change this if you altered the name
identityName: quorum-pod-identity
# the clientId of the user assigned managed identity created in the template
identityClientId: azure-clientId
keyvaultName: azure-keyvault
# the tenant ID of the key vault
tenantId: azure-tenantId
# the subscription ID to use - this needs to be set explictly when using multi tenancy
subscriptionId: azure-subscriptionId

# the raw Genesis config
# rawGenesisConfig.blockchain.nodes set the number of validators/signers
chainId: 1337
consensus: qbft # choose from: ibft | qbft | raft | clique
blockperiodseconds: 10
epochlength: 30000
requesttimeoutseconds: 20
gasLimit: '0x47b760'
difficulty: '0x1'
coinbase: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
generate: true
count: 4
accountPassword: 'password'

Please set the aws, azure and cluster keys are as per the Provisioning step. quorumFlags.removeGenesisOnDelete: true tells the chart to delete the genesis file when the chart is deleted. If you may wish to retain the genesis on deletion, please set that value to false.

The last config item is rawGenesisConfig which has details of the chain you are creating, please edit any of the parameters in there to match your requirements. To set the number of initial validators set the rawGenesisConfig.blockchain.nodes to the number that you'd like. We recommend using the Byzantine formula of N=3F+1 when setting the number of validators.

One more thing to note is that when cluster.cloudNativeServices: true is set, the genesis job will not add the Quickstart test accounts into the genesis file.

When you are ready deploy the chart with :

cd helm
helm install genesis ./charts/goquorum-genesis --namespace quorum --create-namespace --values ./values/genesis-goquorum.yml

Once completed, view the genesis and enodes (the list of static nodes) configuration maps that every GoQuorum node uses, and the validator and bootnode node keys as secrets.



5. Deploy the validators

This is the first set of nodes that we will deploy. The charts use four validators (default) to replicate best practices for a network. The override values.yml for the StatefulSet looks like below:

privacy: false
removeKeysOnDelete: false

provider: local # choose from: local | aws | azure
cloudNativeServices: false
reclaimPolicy: Delete # set to either Retain or Delete; note that PVCs and PVs will still exist after a 'helm delete'. Setting to Retain will keep volumes even if PVCs/PVs are deleted in kubernetes. Setting to Delete will remove volumes from EC2 EBS when PVC is deleted

# the aws cli commands uses the name 'quorum-node-secrets-sa' so only change this if you altered the name
serviceAccountName: quorum-node-secrets-sa
# the region you are deploying to
region: ap-southeast-2

# the script/ uses the name 'quorum-pod-identity' so only change this if you altered the name
identityName: quorum-pod-identity
# the clientId of the user assigned managed identity created in the template
identityClientId: azure-clientId
keyvaultName: azure-keyvault
# the tenant ID of the key vault
tenantId: azure-tenantId
# the subscription ID to use - this needs to be set explicitly when using multi tenancy
subscriptionId: azure-subscriptionId

serviceMonitorEnabled: true
cpuLimit: 1
cpuRequest: 0.1
memLimit: "2G"
memRequest: "1G"

Please set the aws, azure and cluster keys are as per the Provisioning step. quorumFlags.removeKeysOnDelete: true tells the chart to delete the node's keys when the chart is deleted. If you may wish to retain the keys on deletion, please set that value to false.


Please note that if you delete a majority of the validators, the network will halt. Additionally, if the validator keys are deleted you may not be able to recover as you need a majority of the validators up to vote to add new validators into the pool

Deploy the validators like so:

helm install validator-1 ./charts/quorum-node --namespace quorum --values ./values/validator.yml
helm install validator-2 ./charts/quorum-node --namespace quorum --values ./values/validator.yml
helm install validator-3 ./charts/quorum-node --namespace quorum --values ./values/validator.yml
helm install validator-4 ./charts/quorum-node --namespace quorum --values ./values/validator.yml

It's important to keep the release names of the validators the same as it is tied to the keys that the genesis chart creates. So we use validator-1, validator-2, etc. in the following command.

Once complete, you may need to give the validators a few minutes to peer and for round changes, depending on when the first validator was spun up, before the logs display blocks being created.


6. Add/Remove additional validators to the validator pool

To add (or remove) more validators to the initial validator pool, you need to deploy a node such as an RPC node (step 7) and then vote that node in. The vote API call must be made on a majority of the existing pool and the new node will then become a validator.

Please refer to the Ingress Section for details on making the API calls from your local machine or equivalent.

7. Deploy RPC or Transaction nodes

An RPC node is simply a node that can be used to make public transactions or perform read heavy operations such as when connected to a chain explorer like Blockscout

The RPC override values.yml for the StatefulSet looks identical to that of the validators above, and will create it's own nodekeys before the node starts

To deploy an RPC node:

helm install rpc-1 ./charts/quorum-node --namespace quorum --values ./values/reader.yml

A Transaction or Member node in turn is one which has an accompanying Private Transaction Manager, such as Tessera; which allow you to make private transactions between nodes.

The Transaction override values.yml for the StatefulSet looks identical to that of the validators above and only has quorumFlags.privacy: true to indicate that it is deploying a pair of GoQuorum and Tessera nodes.

To deploy a Transaction or Member node:

helm install member-1 ./charts/quorum-node --namespace quorum --values ./values/txnode.yml

Logs for member-1 resemble the following for Tessera:


Logs for GoQuorum resemble the following:



In the examples above we use member-1 and rpc-1 as release names for the deployments. You can pick any release name that you'd like to use in place of those as per your requirements.

8. Connecting to the node from your local machine via an Ingress

In order to view the Grafana dashboards or connect to the nodes to make transactions from your local machine you can deploy an ingress controller with rules. We use the ingress-nginx ingress controller which can be deployed as follows:

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install quorum-network-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--namespace quorum \
--set"network-nginx" \
--set controller.ingressClassResource.controllerValue="" \
--set controller.replicaCount=1 \
--set controller.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.admissionWebhooks.patch.nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy=Local

Use pre-defined rules to test functionality, and alter to suit your requirements (for example, restrict access for API calls to trusted CIDR blocks).

Edit the rules file so the service names match your release name. In the example, we deployed a transaction node with the release name member-1 so the corresponding service is called quorum-node-member-1. Once you have settings that match your deployments, deploy the rules like so:

kubectl apply -f ../ingress/ingress-rules-quorum.yml

Once complete, view the IP address listed under the Ingress section if you're using the Kubernetes Dashboard or on the command line kubectl -n quorum get services quorum-network-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller.


The following is an example RPC call, which confirms that the node running the JSON-RPC service is syncing:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' http://<INGRESS_IP>/rpc-1

9. Blockchain explorer

You can deploy BlockScout to aid with monitoring the blockchain. To do this, update the BlockScout values file and set the database and secret_key_base values.


Changes to the database requires changes to both the database and the blockscout dictionaries.

Once completed, deploy the chart using:

helm dependency update ./charts/blockscout
helm install blockscout ./charts/blockscout --namespace quorum --values ./values/blockscout-goquorum.yaml

You can optionally deploy the Quorum-Explorer as a lightweight blockchain explorer. The Quorum Explorer is not recommended for use in production and is intended for demonstration/dev purposes only. The Explorer can give an overview over the whole network, such as querying each node on the network for node or block information, voting (add/remove) validators from the network, demonstrating a SimpleStorage smart contract with privacy enabled, and sending transactions between wallets as you would do in MetaMask. Please see the Explorer page for details on how to use the application.


The accounts listed in the file below are for test purposes only and should not be used on a production network.

To deploy the application, update the Explorer values file with details of your nodes and endpoints and then deploy.

helm install quorum-explorer ./charts/explorer --namespace quorum --values ./values/explorer-goquorum.yaml

You will also need deploy the ingress (if not already done in Monitoring) to access the endpoint on http://<INGRESS_IP>/explorer
