Gluwacoin ERC-20 Wrapper

1 Executive Summary

This report presents the results of our engagement with Gluwa to review their Gluwacoin ERC-20 wrapper contract.

The review was conducted from October 11–19, 2021, and a total of 5 person-days were spent.

In July 2021, we had audited the same codebase at commit hash 3180db39d8491b972d55b8081a572867b4619ca0, and in the meantime, the Gluwa team has made several changes to their contracts, many of them based on the findings and recommendations from that engagement.

Initially, the current review focused on the commit hash 72db3ee06e8d5889f27b6cbee7109ba8a10ea843. The list of files in scope can be found in the Appendix. During the first week, we communicated our findings and recommendations informally to the client, who has implemented many of our suggestions over the course of that week. The commit hash of the final version is bf2c7a26b1e24f29cf21bbc3445f14dcbcf8c1e7. Our review is based on the assumption that no existing production deployment has to be upgraded to this version and that there will be a new deployment instead.

The contract we reviewed implements a Gluwacoin (T-G) backed by a specific ERC-20 token (T). T-G can be minted by locking the same amount of T in the contract; when T-G is burned, the locked T is released again. There are also “ETHless” versions of minting and burning, i.e., the user provides a signature, and the action is executed by a third party – the Wrapper – for a fee. Gluwacoins add additional functionality to the standard ERC-20 interface: There are ETHless transfers that work similarly to ETHless burning and minting, and there’s a “reserve” mechanism that puts funds in escrow which can only be released to the pre-designated receiver or unlocked back to the sender.

Users of the system should be aware that it uses upgradeable contracts. The Gluwa team – or anyone gaining access to the key(s) with upgrade privileges (e.g., via hacking) – can, without prior notice, change the implementation contract and take all the funds locked in the system. We advise the Gluwa team to follow established best practices to secure these keys; in particular, upgrade privileges should be held by an appropriately configured multisig.

It should also be noted that there are some requirements on the wrapped ERC-20 token. First of all, the Gluwacoin ERC-20 wrapper contract has no reentrancy protection; ERC-20 tokens that would allow reentering the Gluwacoin contract – via callbacks (as in ERC-777) or any other means – should not be wrapped; doing so might result in a loss of funds. Secondly, the wrapped token’s contract must adhere strictly to the ERC-20 specification; in particular, tokens that exhibit the missing-return-value bug can’t be used with the Gluwacoin ERC-20 wrapper. [This has been fixed in bf2c7a2; this version can handle tokens with the missing-return-value bug.] Thirdly, more “exotic” types like rebasing or fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported either. The Gluwa team is not only aware of these limitations but has made a conscious choice not to support tokens with these characteristics (with the current codebase, at least). Token contracts have to be carefully vetted before a Gluwacoin backed by this token is created. This is, first and foremost, the Gluwa team’s task, but careful users might want to verify the compatibility of the wrapped token’s contract themselves.

Users should be careful what they sign. While this is trivially true for any signature-based system, Gluwacoin doesn’t employ EIP-712; instead, users sign an “Ethereum Signed Message” with the hash of the payload. The careful user should verify that the hash matches their expectations. Moreover, they should be mindful of phishing attempts and replay attacks across different systems. If in doubt, keys and addresses used for Gluwacoin should not be used with other (signature-based) systems.

Finally, for the “Non-custodial Exchange Functions” (described in the whitepaper or the Gluwacoin Specification), it should be noted that the mentioned 3rd party – the Executor – needs to be trusted because (before expiry) they can choose to either release the reserve amount to the pre-designated receiver (execute) or to unlock the funds back to the sender (reclaim) (or do nothing at all). If Alice and Bob want to exchange tokens, the 3rd party could execute for Alice and reclaim for Bob, so Alice would lose her tokens to Bob while Bob would get his tokens back. (Alternatively and with same result, the Executor could just execute for Alice and do nothing for Bob, allowing Bob to reclaim his tokens after a timeout.) Bob and the 3rd party could even collude and agree to share what Bob gets from Alice, effectively incentivizing the Executor to screw Alice over. So the 3rd party has some control over reserved amounts and must be trusted to “do the right thing”.

2 Security Specification

This section outlines the system’s primary actors and summarizes its most important trust assumptions.

2.1 Actors

The relevant actors are listed below with their respective abilities:

  • Users. Users can mint/burn Gluwacoin tokens by depositing/withdrawing the same amount of the wrapped ERC-20 token. The usual ERC-20 functionality is available in Gluwacoins. In addition to that, users can sign mint, burn, and transfer operations, which are then executed by a third party (Wrapper or Relayer) for a fee. Users can also reserve funds for pre-defined recipients and have Executors execute (or reclaim) these reservations. After a timeout, the user can reclaim a reservation that wasn’t executed.
  • Wrapper. The Wrapper role can mint and burn tokens on behalf of a user. They get a fee for their service.
  • Relayer. The Relayer role can transfer tokens on behalf of a user. They get a fee for their service.
  • Executor. The Executor of a reservation can execute it – which transfers the locked funds to the pre-determined recipient – or they can reclaim the reservation, unlocking the funds back to the sender. Executors also get a fee in exchange for their services.
  • Admin. The Admin role manages the system’s roles.
  • System Operator. The System Operator can upgrade the contract.

2.2 Trust Model

We briefly recapitulate what has already been discussed in section 1:

  • A malicious insider or a hacker with access to the private key(s) can extract funds from the system by performing a contract upgrade. We strongly recommend implementing a rigorous security process around upgrades. A multisig wallet should be used to sign off on upgrades only when there is consensus among the team.

  • ERC-20 tokens that will be wrapped by the system should be reviewed and audited. Users and relayers trust tokens to behave according to the ERC-20 specification. The wrapped token must not allow reentering the Gluwacoin ERC-20 wrapper (e.g., via callbacks); rebasing and fee-on-transfer tokens aren’t supported either.

  • Before reservation expiry, Executors can choose between execute and reclaim and are generally trusted to “do the right thing”; in particular, they are trusted to behave “symmetrical” to both parties involved in an exchange of tokens.

3 Recommendations

  1. Due to upgradeability, users interacting with the system have to place an enormous amount of trust in Gluwa, not only in their honest intentions but also in their ability to secure the keys with upgrade privileges. Funds locked in the system are always at risk of being stolen by a malicious insider or an external hacker. We recommend moving to a system that requires considerably less trust, either by abandoning upgradeability completely or at least by utilizing a time lock for upgrades, so users of the system get a chance to withdraw their funds before an update gets activated. In the short term, the Gluwa team should follow established best practices and utilize an appropriately configured multisig such that a single or even a few compromised keys are not sufficient to upgrade the contract and steal the user funds.
    Exploring alternative designs that don’t require a trusted Executor could be a promising direction for future development.

  2. The current signature scheme – an “Ethereum Signed Message” with the hash of the payload – makes it hard for users to know what exactly they’re signing. Moreover, users have to be aware of phishing attempts and replay attacks across different systems. We recommend following EIP-712 for the hashing and signing of structured data.

  3. The Gluwacoin ERC-20 wrapper has no reentrancy protection. The Gluwa team has made it clear that they have no intention of wrapping a token that would allow reentering the wrapper contract. Nevertheless, we recommend adding a reeentrancy guard such as OpenZeppelin’s as a precaution.

  4. There is a considerable amount of tokens that do not strictly adhere to the ERC-20 standard, in that their approve, transfer, and transferFrom functions do not return anything. They revert in case of failure and indicate success just by not reverting. Although it is not standard-compliant, the number of tokens that exhibit this behavior and the importance of some of them make this issue hard to ignore when dealing with “ERC-20” tokens. We recommend using OpenZeppelin’s SafeERC20 library in ERC20Wrapper, so you can also wrap such tokens that don’t strictly comply with the specification. [This has been implemented in bf2c7a2.]

  5. The contracts of tokens to be wrapped need to be carefully reviewed to make sure they’re compatible with the Gluwacoin ERC-20 wrapper. As long as the two previous recommendations haven’t been implemented, special attention has to be given to reentrancy and the missing-return-value bug.

  6. The findings discussed in the next section should be fixed.

  7. While reviewing the correctness and comprehensiveness of the tests was not in scope for this audit, we happened to notice that central functionality was not sufficiently tested (see issue 4.2). We recommend reviewing test quality and coverage to make sure the system is well-tested before it is deployed.

  8. The implementation contract should be initialized immediately after its deployment. This can either happen manually or with a constructor, see here. (Theoretically, manual initialization in a separate transaction is front-runnable, but this is unlikely to become a problem in practice.)

  9. Working with upgradeable contracts has its own intricacies, dangers, and pitfalls, for example, how to handle storage and the __gap variable. It is crucial to educate oneself and understand these; a good resource is OpenZeppelin’s documentation.

  10. Some external functions don’t have NatSpec annotations. To quote the Solidity documentation: “It is recommended that Solidity contracts are fully annotated using NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI).” For example, all external functions in ERC20Reservable are undocumented. We recommend adding NatSpec annotations to at least every contract and every public or external function. [NatSpec annotations have been added to ERC20Reservable in bf2c7a2.]

4 Findings

Each issue has an assigned severity:

  • Minor issues are subjective in nature. They are typically suggestions around best practices or readability. Code maintainers should use their own judgment as to whether to address such issues.
  • Medium issues are objective in nature but are not security vulnerabilities. These should be addressed unless there is a clear reason not to.
  • Major issues are security vulnerabilities that may not be directly exploitable or may require certain conditions in order to be exploited. All major issues should be addressed.
  • Critical issues are directly exploitable security vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

4.1 Initialization flaws Minor ✓ Fixed


This has been fixed in bf2c7a2.


For non-upgradeable contracts, the Solidity compiler takes care of chaining the constructor calls of an inheritance hierarchy in the right order; for upgradeable contracts, taking care of initialization is a manual task – and with extensive use of inheritance, it is tedious and error-prone. The convention in OpenZeppelin Contracts Upgradeable is to have a __C_init_unchained function that contains the actual initialization logic for contract C and a __C_init function that calls the *_init_unchained function for every super-contract – direct and indirect – in the inheritance hierarchy (including C) in the C3-linearized order from most basic to most derived. This pattern imitates what the compiler does for constructors.

All *_init functions in the contracts (__ERC20WrapperGluwacoin_init, __ERC20Reservable_init, __ERC20ETHless_init, and __ERC20Wrapper_init) are missing some _init_unchained calls, and sometimes the existing calls are not in the correct order.


The __ERC20WrapperGluwacoin_init function is implemented as follows:


function __ERC20WrapperGluwacoin_init(
    string memory name,
    string memory symbol,
    IERC20 token
) internal initializer {
    __ERC20_init_unchained(name, symbol);

And the C3 linearization is:

  ↖ ERC20Reservable
  ↖ ERC20ETHless
  ↖ ERC20Wrapper
  ↖ ERC20Upgradeable
  ↖ IERC20MetadataUpgradeable
  ↖ IERC20Upgradeable
  ↖ AccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable
  ↖ AccessControlUpgradeable
  ↖ ERC165Upgradeable
  ↖ IERC165Upgradeable
  ↖ IAccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable
  ↖ IAccessControlUpgradeable
  ↖ ContextUpgradeable
  ↖ Initializable

The calls __ERC165_init_unchained(); and __AccessControl_init_unchained(); are missing, and __ERC20Wrapper_init_unchained(token); should move between __ERC20_init_unchained(name, symbol); and __ERC20ETHless_init_unchained();.


Review all *_init functions, add the missing *_init_unchained calls, and fix the order of these calls.

4.2 Flaw in _beforeTokenTransfer call chain and missing tests Minor ✓ Fixed


This has been fixed in bf2c7a2. (The added tests have not been reviewed, as the tests in general are out of scope for this engagement.)


In OpenZeppelin’s ERC-20 implementation, the virtual _beforeTokenTransfer function provides a hook that is called before tokens are transferred, minted, or burned. In the Gluwacoin codebase, it is used to check whether the unreserved balance (as opposed to the regular balance, which is checked by the ERC-20 implementation) of the sender is sufficient to allow this transfer or burning.

In ERC20WrapperGluwacoin, ERC20Reservable, and ERC20Wrapper, the _beforeTokenTransfer function is implemented in the following way:


function _beforeTokenTransfer(
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 amount
) internal override(ERC20Upgradeable, ERC20Wrapper, ERC20Reservable) {
    ERC20Wrapper._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);
    ERC20Reservable._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);


function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override (ERC20Upgradeable) {
    if (from != address(0)) {
        require(_unreservedBalance(from) >= amount, "ERC20Reservable: transfer amount exceeds unreserved balance");

    super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);


function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override (ERC20Upgradeable) {
    super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);

Finally, the C3-linearization of the contracts is:

  ↖ ERC20Reservable
  ↖ ERC20ETHless
  ↖ ERC20Wrapper
  ↖ ERC20Upgradeable
  ↖ IERC20MetadataUpgradeable
  ↖ IERC20Upgradeable
  ↖ AccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable
  ↖ AccessControlUpgradeable
  ↖ ERC165Upgradeable
  ↖ IERC165Upgradeable
  ↖ IAccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable
  ↖ IAccessControlUpgradeable
  ↖ ContextUpgradeable
  ↖ Initializable

This means ERC20Wrapper._beforeTokenTransfer is ultimately called twice – once directly in ERC20WrapperGluwacoin._beforeTokenTransfer and then a second time because the super._beforeTokenTransfer call in ERC20Reservable._beforeTokenTransfer resolves to ERC20Wrapper._beforeTokenTransfer. (ERC20ETHless doesn’t override _beforeTokenTransfer.)

Moreover, while reviewing the correctness and coverage of the tests is not in scope for this engagement, we happened to notice that there are no tests that check whether the unreserved balance is sufficient for transferring or burning tokens.


ERC20WrapperGluwacoin._beforeTokenTransfer should just call super._beforeTokenTransfer. Moreover, the _beforeTokenTransfer implementation can be removed from ERC20Wrapper.

We would like to stress the importance of careful and comprehensive testing in general and of this functionality in particular, as it is crucial for the system’s integrity. We also encourage investigating whether there are more such omissions and an evaluation of the test quality and coverage in general.

4.3 Hard-coded decimals Minor ✓ Fixed


In bf2c7a2, the decimals are provided as an initialization parameter and stored in a state variable, as we recommended. However, the Gluwa team chose to leave the decimals logic in the ERC20WrapperGluwacoin contract.


The Gluwacoin wrapper token should have the same number of decimals as the wrapped ERC-20. Currently, the number of decimals is hard-coded to 6. This limits flexibility or requires source code changes and recompilation if a token with a different number of decimals is to be wrapped.


function decimals() public pure override returns (uint8) {
    return 6;


We recommend supplying the number of decimals as an initialization parameter and storing it in a state variable. That increases gas consumption of the decimals function, but we doubt this view function will be frequently called from a contract, and even if it was, we think the benefits far outweigh the costs.
Moreover, we believe the decimals logic (i.e., function decimals and the new state variable) should be implemented in the ERC20Wrapper contract – which holds the basic ERC-20 functionality of the wrapper token – and not in ERC20WrapperGluwacoin, which is the base contract of the entire system.

Appendix 1 - Files in Scope

This audit covered the following files:

A.1.1 Initial version

Commit hash: 72db3ee06e8d5889f27b6cbee7109ba8a10ea843

File Name SHA-1 Hash
contracts/ERC20WrapperGluwacoin.sol fb66dc6b671cf27137e342bdeed596e39d433fa5
contracts/abstracts/ERC20ETHlessTransfer.sol 049886593bf87559b1a1aac654a051f3f4958413
contracts/abstracts/ERC20Reservable.sol 66d0f77355a42b5a5bf826aad0131c23606d0e90
contracts/abstracts/ERC20Wrapper.sol 0f33b03a65bfbe39148a64e41be9f5717d0ae90e
contracts/abstracts/Validate.sol d4f293cb9870f28ca05cc0c35300963f83b5452b
contracts/libs/GluwacoinModel.sol 44921f971f529e5ae2419c153120def8d32fa746

A.1.2 Revised version

Commit hash: bf2c7a26b1e24f29cf21bbc3445f14dcbcf8c1e71

File Name SHA-1 Hash
contracts/ERC20WrapperGluwacoin.sol 22fc2b92fb0793ed7fd5bb2ed482f5e3d80a27c8
contracts/abstracts/ERC20ETHlessTransfer.sol 1d825daa64beb58c6695d8b1328aca9069914534
contracts/abstracts/ERC20Reservable.sol d5215896492290681dad614126094de400bc8d40
contracts/abstracts/ERC20Wrapper.sol 845d185d45ad66c9a837c4b59656eb0906b7bb8a
contracts/abstracts/Validate.sol 9ae992a0d990cf94f5d740dd2749d9b6adf5d837
contracts/libs/GluwacoinModel.sol 3d363edaf6ccbf9719947f0428ac1bb17ec8d26f

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of code and only the code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. Any Solidity code itself presents unique and unquantifiable risks as the Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. In some instances, we may perform penetration testing or infrastructure assessments depending on the scope of the particular engagement.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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