Filecoin Actors

1 Executive Summary

From June to September 2020, Consensys Diligence engaged with Protocol Labs to assess the security of Filecoin’s builtin Actors: a collection of executable code that implements the core business logic of Filecoin’s blockchain-based storage network.

We began in June with a 2-week preliminary phase, which we used to get familiar with Filecoin: reading code and documentation, asking questions, and collecting notes to prepare for an intensive security assessment. During this phase, we identified two important foci which carried over into upcoming work:

  • Coordination: Filecoin’s Actors were under heavy development for the duration of this assessment, as the project was preparing for several milestones: an initial testnet release, an incentivized testnet release (the Filecoin Space Race), and an eventual mainnet release. We needed to keep up with the pace of changes, and we needed to ensure the Actors devs were aware of anything that needed their attention. To these ends, we created and shared Actors’ Master Tracking and continued to maintain it for the duration of the engagement.
  • Documentation: To review a complex codebase like Filecoin’s Actors, we needed to know how it was supposed to work. After finding that existing documentation was either out-of-date or nonexistent, we began documenting system behavior. Documentation was an ongoing effort during this engagement and was tracked in Master Tracking: Documentation.

We continued with an intensive 9-week assessment of Actors code, focused primarily on its role in implementing the core business logic of the Filecoin storage network. A detailed description of what was and was not reviewed can be found in Scope.

Our responsibilities were as follows:

  • Analyze code: We performed a manual review of Actors code, primarily to identify flaws in the implementation of its business logic. Our secondary focus was to suggest improvements or simplifications that increased the code’s robustness, and to raise discussions about the purpose of various implementation details. Any outputs from these foci were immediately communicated via GitHub issue. Actors devs reviewed these outputs, assigning each a label which determined its priority relative to mainnet launch. A complete record of these findings can be found in Findings.
  • Review incoming changes: As the Actors code was under heavy development, we attempted to review as many incoming changes as possible. This included a cursory review of most commits and an in-depth review of some pull requests. Where applicable, we also updated our documentation to reflect these changes.
  • Maintain the Master Tracking Doc: We updated Actors’ Master Tracking daily to highlight anything that needed attention: open issues, engagement schedule, changes to documentation, and more.
  • Attend bi-weekly calls with Actors devs: We attended bi-weekly calls with Actors devs to understand what was being worked on, ask questions, and communicate any blockers.

Our work concluded on September 11, 2020, with the creation of this report.

Update (Oct 16, 2020): We engaged with Protocol Labs for an additional two weeks, from Oct 5 to Oct 16, 2020. Our objectives for this period were to review changes made since September 11, update the status of any previously-filed issues, and investigate additional components of Actors code.

2 Scope

This assessment’s primary focus was to review that code in the filecoin-project/specs-actors repository most pertinent to the function of Filecoin’s builtin Actors. The review was centered on Go files (*.go) within the /actors directory.

Of these files, this assessment was not concerned with:

  • Any non-Go files, such as
  • Test files (*_test.go) outside the /actors/builtin directory
  • CBOR-Gen (cbor_gen.go) files anywhere in the specs-actors repository

Of these files, this assessment was less concerned with:

Additionally, the following was out of scope:

  • Implementation of and usage of dependencies, including (but not limited to):
    • filecoin-project/go-address
    • filecoin-project/go-amt-ipld
    • ipfs/go-hamt-ipld
    • filecoin-project/go-bitfield
    • ipfs/go-cid
    • ipfs/go-ipld-cbor
    • minio/blake2b-simd
    • minio/sha256-simd
    • multiformats/go-multihash
    • whyrusleeping/cbor-gen
  • The Lotus client, including (but not limited to):
    • Implementation of runtime interface exposed to builtin actors
    • Storage Power Consensus implementation
    • Block/Epoch/Tipset processing
    • Message/signature verification
    • Networking components
    • PoRep / PoSt
    • Filecoin Gas mechanism
  • Correctness of cryptoeconomic incentives and supporting implementation:
    • Parameters used for monetary policy, incentives, penalties, power accounting
    • Block/Epoch reward calculation and smoothing

3 Findings

As we uncovered vulnerabilities and came up with potential improvements and simplifications, we opened issues in the filecoin-project/specs-actors repository. After reviewing our findings, Actors devs assigned each a relative priority:

  • Priority 1 (P1): Required for mainnet. Reserved for vulnerabilities or otherwise significant changes to implementation.
  • Priority 2 (P2): Beneficial for network launch. Reserved for minor vulnerabilities or changes that would improve code quality or robustness but do not represent a pressing need.
  • Priority 3 (P3): Not urgent or important.

All issues we opened are listed below, grouped by this relative priority. Note that the status of these issues represents the status at the time of report creation. Up-to-date status and information on all mentioned issues can be found by following the provided links.

Update (Oct 16, 2020): Our followup engagement took place during Filecoin’s transition from testnet to mainnet. Because the priority levels described above only make sense in a pre-mainnet context, any issues opened during this period are included under Followup Work. Information on further work performed on these issues can be found by following the provided links.

3.1 Priority 1

specs-actors Issue Status Title
#587 Closed in #588 Multisig: Comparison between different Address types.
#602 Closed in #718 Market: withdraw allows anyone to trigger withdrawals
#606 Closed in #620 Market: Deal States update not persisted in CronTick
#612 Closed in #646 PaymentChannel: vouchers can be replayed across channels
#643 Closed in #644 Market: CronTick doesn’t persist Proposal deletion from st.PendingProposals
#660 Closed in #778 PaymentChannel: Reject equal-nonce voucher submissions
#692 Closed in #791 StoragePower: OnConsensusFault incorrectly zeroes out miner power
#733 Closed in #790 PayCh.Collect: Clarify whether Collect implies the channel should be terminated
#753 Closed in #789 Miner: Incorrect bounds on SubmitWindowedPoSt params.Deadline
#755 Closed in #760 Market.PublishStorageDeals: Validate each deal’s PieceSize
#765 Closed in #775 Market State.dealGetPaymentRemaining: Bad assertion allows for panic
#766 Closed in #775 Market.CronTick: Branching statements imply potential abort
#767 Closed in #775 Market.CronTick: Remove RequireSuccess for interaction with VerifiedRegistry and BurntFundsActor
#797 Closed in #890 Reward.AwardBlockReward: Miner may be able to cause abort during block processing
#909 Closed in #1073 Power: Process batch proof verifications before deferred cron events
#982 Closed in #1050 Miner: Remove ChangeWorkerAddress reliance on cron
#1008 Closed in #1089 Miner: Verify that duplicate submissions of consensus faults are not processed
#1056 Closed in #1092 Power: Explicitly delete miner claim on failing cron callback
#1100 Closed in #1129 Miner: Declaring a replaced CC sector faulty can result in a sector existing in an expiration queue twice

3.2 Priority 2

specs-actors Issue Status Title Comment
#751 Open Simplify cron queue handling in power and market actors From @anorth: “We’ve determined that this isn’t high importance for network launch. It’s a good simplification, but not trivial to ensure correctness. The current implementation has the benefit of having been run in testnets for quite some time.”
#931 Open Miner: ExtendSectorExpiration doesn’t correctly check AddressedPartitionsMax From @anorth: “We’ve determined this isn’t high importance for network launch. The check as implemented is more conservative than we would like to allow. This is inconvenient for miners, but I don’t think poses a risk.”
#979 Open Where applicable, enforce uniqueness when handling slices From @anorth: “We’ve determined this isn’t a critical change needed for network launch. As we approach that point, adding more constraints on the node implementations adds risk there. It is still something I’d like to follow up with later just to reduce degrees of freedom.”
#981 Open Miner/Market: Clean up deal weight calculation during precommit From @anorth: “We’ve determined that this isn’t high importance for network launch. It’s a nice clean-up that we’ll implement in a discretionary upgrade later.”
#1006 Open Miner: Cleanup accounting methods From @anorth: “We have determined that these are not critical changes for network launch. They represent a solid clean-up and simplification, but as we approach mainnet, changing introduces new risk. I hope to land these in a subsequent discretionary upgrade.”
#1020 Open Miner: VerifyPledgeRequirementsAndRepayDebts should return balance available after paying debt From @anorth: “We have determined that these are not critical changes for network launch. They represent a solid clean-up and simplification, but as we approach mainnet, changing introduces new risk. I hope to land these in a subsequent discretionary upgrade.”
#1060 Open Add log messages for significant events From @anorth: “We’ve determined this is not critical for network launch. It will greatly aid troubleshooting, but does not itself resolve or reduce any specific risk.”
#608 Closed in #647 Market: ComputeDataCommitment loads identical AMT for each passed-in DealID
#609 Closed in #647 Market: CronTick loads identical AMT for each processed deal
#697 Closed in #862 Check if provided param.Penalty is greater or equal to zero
#722 Closed in #758 Verifreg: Disallow RootKey from assuming other roles
#724 Closed in #758 Verifreg.AddVerifier: params.Allowance should be greater than or equal to MinVerifiedDealSize
#725 Closed in #758 Verifreg.AddVerifiedClient: Existing Verifiers should not be able to become VerifiedClients
#726 Closed in #758 Verifreg.AddVerifiedClient: Misleading parameter “MinVerifiedDealSize”
#728 Closed in #758 Verifreg.UseBytes: Consider never deleting a VerifiedClient entry
#729 Closed in #939 Verifreg: All methods should resolve addresses to ID-addresses before interacting with state
#730 Closed in #912 Multisig, verifreg, paych actors create accounts that don’t already exist
#752 Closed in #808 Miner: Duplicate invocations of notifyPledgeChanged in processEarlyTerminations
#771 Closed in #775 Market.AddBalance creates balance table entries when provided 0 value
#795 Closed in #919 Miner: Sector activation at ProveCommit may allow proving expired/expiring sectors, leading to panic during cron tick
#798 Closed in #820 Miner.PreCommitSector: Conflicting MaxSectorNumber checks
#802 Closed in #902 Miner.ChangeWorkerAddress: handle if pending change already exists
#806 Closed in #1050 Limit Miner.ChangeWorkerAddress to avoid cron event queue load
#945 Closed in #984 Miner: Limit max number of partitions per deadline
#977 Closed in #998 Miner: Limit size of ControlAddresses slice
#983 Closed in #1009 Miner: reduce operations performed in handleProvingDeadline where possible
#1003 Closed in #1004 Miner.PenalizeFundsInPriorityOrder: account for fromVesting greater than target
#1007 Closed in #1004 Miner: Treat initial pledge like precommit deposits
#1040 Closed in #1042 Miner: explicitly specify whether or not faults were added in RecordSkippedFaults
#1064 Closed in #1140 Miner: Check ExpirationSet invariants
#1068 Closed in #1159 Miner: Check Partition invariants
#1070 Closed in #1158 Miner: Check Deadline invariants

3.3 Priority 3

specs-actors Issue Status Title Comment
#474 Open ConfirmSectorProofsValid: batch VerifyDealsOnSectorProveCommit Originally opened as #904
#667 Open StorageMarket: Refund clients remaining balance since sector became faulty on termination Originally opened as #694
#696 Open Reward: Initialize penalty directly with the min value
#721 Open Recommendation: Standardize power/market cron method names
#732 Open PaymentChannel.Collect: Switch to “pull” payment pattern rather than “push” payments
#799 Open Power.OnEpochTickEnd: preempt Miner queries to Power and Reward
#807 Open Miner.Constructor: Additional input validation
#905 Open Miner: Simplify sector number allocation during precommit
#913 Open Miner: Drop precommits from prove commit set if power/pledge/reward values aren’t sane
#980 Open Power.CreateMiner does not allow caller to initialize Miner’s ControlAddresses
#1002 Open Miner: Unlock vested funds in SubmitWindowedPoSt
#607 Closed in #639 Market: ComputeDataCommitment should use ReadOnly, rather than Transaction
#653 Closed in #830 StoragePower: Incorrect assignment to Cid fields during construction

3.4 Other

These issues were not assigned a priority level for various reasons. For further details, see the provided issue link.

specs-actors Issue Status Title Comment
#1090 Open Reward: Check miner code CID
#1144 Open Market.PublishStorageDeals griefing vector Known issue
#727 Closed Verifreg.UseBytes: newVcCap is permanently lost if it’s smaller than MinVerifiedDealSize
#764 Closed Power.OnConsensusFault: Assert pledgeAmount is non-negative Method deprecated
#801 Closed Miner.ReportConsensusFault: possible incorrect constraints on faultAge Non-issue
#803 Closed Miner control functions should abort on no-op
#804 Closed Miner control functions should abort for empty params
#805 Closed Miner: NewDeadlineInfo may calculate negative Challenge and FaultCutoff epochs during first ~70 epochs
#903 Closed Miner: Remove references to variable seal proof types
#918 Closed Miner: bubble up error in processEarlyTerminations
#955 Closed Miner: Remove state.Transaction where not needed Non-issue
#978 Closed Miner: Correct for potential overflow when iterating over multiaddresses Non-issue

3.5 Followup Work

specs-actors Issue Status Title
#1233 Open Miner.Partition: Check sector existence on expiry and termination
#1234 Open Miner.handleProvingDeadline: Check that method is being run at the correct time
#1235 Open Miner.ExpirationQueue: Additional invariants
#1236 Open Miner.ExpirationQueue: Enforce methods are passed unique sets of sectors
#1246 Open Multisig: Allow proposals of batches of calls to enable complex actions
#1250 Open Miner Policy: Correct truncating division
#1253 Open Miner: Add balance invariant checks to cron methods

The Master Tracking Doc was used to coordinate efforts between Consensys Diligence and Actors devs. It was shared with Actors devs in the first few weeks of the engagement, and was maintained by Diligence throughout. This document contains:

  • Open Items: Bugs, recommendations, discussion items, and other relevant outputs were filed and tracked here.
  • Schedule: Lists the primary and secondary objectives for each week of the engagement.
  • Documentation: References the documentation we produced for each Actor in order to aid our review.
  • Addressed: After addressing Open Items, issues were moved here.

Appendix 2 - Disclosure

ConsenSys Diligence (“CD”) typically receives compensation from one or more clients (the “Clients”) for performing the analysis contained in these reports (the “Reports”). The Reports may be distributed through other means, including via ConsenSys publications and other distributions.

The Reports are not an endorsement or indictment of any particular project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any particular project. This Report does not consider, and should not be interpreted as considering or having any bearing on, the potential economics of a token, token sale or any other product, service or other asset. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bugfree nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. No third party should rely on the Reports in any way, including for the purpose of making any decisions to buy or sell any token, product, service or other asset. Specifically, for the avoidance of doubt, this Report does not constitute investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the absolute security of the project. CD owes no duty to any Third-Party by virtue of publishing these Reports.

PURPOSE OF REPORTS The Reports and the analysis described therein are created solely for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to a review of Solidity code and only the Solidity code we note as being within the scope of our review within this report. The Solidity language itself remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond Solidity that could present security risks. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty.

CD makes the Reports available to parties other than the Clients (i.e., “third parties”) – on its website. CD hopes that by making these analyses publicly available, it can help the blockchain ecosystem develop technical best practices in this rapidly evolving area of innovation.

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TIMELINESS OF CONTENT The content contained in the Reports is current as of the date appearing on the Report and is subject to change without notice. Unless indicated otherwise, by ConsenSys and CD.